The Trademarkers network of Experienced Intellectual Property Attorneys
in 195 Countries and Treaty Regions can provide you with fast, simple, and cost-efficient trademark filing services
- South America
- Europe
- Middle East
- North America
- Oceania
- Africa
- Asia
- Central America
- Register US Trademark
- Register Trademark in major markets
- Trademark Research
- Trademark Opposition/Cancellation
If you have an existing case number you can enter it here:
I would like to register a trademark in :
Trademark Registration Experience
We have a team of lawyers, with years of experience in Trademark Registrations, which allows us to assure you:

Timely information
Register faster

Deal with Trademark
Objections as required

Transparent status updates
Objections as required

Absolute confidentiality
Through online portal

Competent professionals
Register Lawyers
What We Can Do For You
TradeMarkers provides trademark and intellectual property protection for brands used in the United Kingdom and internationally. We work with a wide range of clients, from small businesses establishing a corporate identity to large companies with a portfolio of brands.